Source code for gluonnlp.model.beam_search

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"""Implements the beam search sampler."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

__all__ = ['BeamSearchScorer', 'BeamSearchSampler']

import numpy as np
import mxnet as mx
from mxnet.gluon import HybridBlock
from .._constants import LARGE_NEGATIVE_FLOAT

[docs]class BeamSearchScorer(HybridBlock): r"""Score function used in beam search. Implements the length-penalized score function used in the GNMT paper:: scores = (log_probs + scores) / length_penalty length_penalty = (K + length)^\alpha / (K + 1)^\alpha Parameters ---------- alpha : float, default 1.0 K : float, default 5.0 """ def __init__(self, alpha=1.0, K=5.0, prefix=None, params=None): super(BeamSearchScorer, self).__init__(prefix=prefix, params=params) self._alpha = alpha self._K = K def __call__(self, log_probs, scores, step): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """Compute new scores of each candidate Parameters ---------- log_probs : NDArray or Symbol The log probabilities of the candidates. Shape (d1, d2, ..., dn, V) scores : NDArray or Symbol The original scores of the beams. Shape (d1, d2, ..., dn) step : NDArray or Symbol Step to calculate the score function. It starts from 1. Shape (1,) Returns ------- candidate_scores : NDArray or Symbol The scores of all the candidates. Shape (d1, d2, ..., dn, V) """ return super(BeamSearchScorer, self).__call__(log_probs, scores, step)
[docs] def hybrid_forward(self, F, log_probs, scores, step): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ prev_lp = (self._K + step - 1) ** self._alpha / (self._K + 1) ** self._alpha prev_lp = prev_lp * (step != 1) + (step == 1) scores = F.broadcast_mul(scores, prev_lp) lp = (self._K + step) ** self._alpha / (self._K + 1) ** self._alpha candidate_scores = F.broadcast_add(log_probs, F.expand_dims(scores, axis=-1)) candidate_scores = F.broadcast_div(candidate_scores, lp) return candidate_scores
def _expand_to_beam_size(data, beam_size, batch_size, state_info=None): """Tile all the states to have batch_size * beam_size on the batch axis. Parameters ---------- data : A single NDArray or nested container with NDArrays Each NDArray/Symbol should have shape (N, ...) when state_info is None, or same as the layout in state_info when it's not None. beam_size : int Beam size batch_size : int Batch size state_info : Nested structure of dictionary, default None. Descriptors for states, usually from decoder's ``state_info()``. When None, this method assumes that the batch axis is the first dimension. Returns ------- new_states : Object that contains NDArrays Each NDArray should have shape batch_size * beam_size on the batch axis. """ assert not state_info or isinstance(state_info, (type(data), dict)), \ 'data and state_info doesn\'t match, ' \ 'got: {} vs {}.'.format(type(state_info), type(data)) if isinstance(data, list): if not state_info: state_info = [None] * len(data) return [_expand_to_beam_size(d, beam_size, batch_size, s) for d, s in zip(data, state_info)] elif isinstance(data, tuple): if not state_info: state_info = [None] * len(data) state_info = tuple(state_info) return tuple(_expand_to_beam_size(d, beam_size, batch_size, s) for d, s in zip(data, state_info)) elif isinstance(data, dict): if not state_info: state_info = {k: None for k in data.keys()} return {k: _expand_to_beam_size(v, beam_size, batch_size, state_info[k]) for k, v in data.items()} elif isinstance(data, mx.nd.NDArray): if not state_info: batch_axis = 0 else: batch_axis = state_info['__layout__'].find('N') if data.shape[batch_axis] != batch_size: raise ValueError('The batch dimension of all the inner elements in states must be ' '{}, Found shape={}'.format(batch_size, data.shape)) new_shape = list(data.shape) new_shape[batch_axis] = batch_size * beam_size new_shape = tuple(new_shape) return data.expand_dims(batch_axis+1)\ .broadcast_axes(axis=batch_axis+1, size=beam_size)\ .reshape(new_shape) else: raise NotImplementedError def _choose_states(F, states, state_info, indices): """ Parameters ---------- F : ndarray or symbol states : Object contains NDArrays/Symbols Each NDArray/Symbol should have shape (N, ...) when state_info is None, or same as the layout in state_info when it's not None. state_info : Nested structure of dictionary, default None. Descriptors for states, usually from decoder's ``state_info()``. When None, this method assumes that the batch axis is the first dimension. indices : NDArray or Symbol Indices of the states to take. Shape (N,). Returns ------- new_states : Object contains NDArrays/Symbols Each NDArray/Symbol should have shape (N, ...). """ assert not state_info or isinstance(state_info, (type(states), dict)), \ 'states and state_info don\'t match' if isinstance(states, list): if not state_info: state_info = [None] * len(states) return [_choose_states(F, d, s, indices) for d, s in zip(states, state_info)] elif isinstance(states, tuple): if not state_info: state_info = [None] * len(states) state_info = tuple(state_info) return tuple(_choose_states(F, d, s, indices) for d, s in zip(states, state_info)) elif isinstance(states, dict): if not state_info: state_info = {k: None for k in states.keys()} return {k: _choose_states(F, v, state_info[k], indices) for k, v in states.items()} elif isinstance(states, (mx.nd.NDArray, mx.sym.Symbol)): if not state_info: batch_axis = 0 else: batch_axis = state_info['__layout__'].find('N') if batch_axis != 0: states = states.swapaxes(0, batch_axis) states = F.take(states, indices) if batch_axis != 0: states = states.swapaxes(0, batch_axis) return states else: raise NotImplementedError class _BeamSearchStepUpdate(HybridBlock): def __init__(self, beam_size, eos_id, scorer, state_info, prefix=None, params=None): super(_BeamSearchStepUpdate, self).__init__(prefix, params) self._beam_size = beam_size self._eos_id = eos_id self._scorer = scorer self._state_info = state_info assert eos_id >= 0, 'eos_id cannot be negative! Received eos_id={}'.format(eos_id) def hybrid_forward(self, F, samples, valid_length, log_probs, scores, step, beam_alive_mask, # pylint: disable=arguments-differ states, vocab_num, batch_shift): """ Parameters ---------- F samples : NDArray or Symbol The current samples generated by beam search. Shape (batch_size, beam_size, L) valid_length : NDArray or Symbol The current valid lengths of the samples log_probs : NDArray or Symbol Log probability of the current step. Shape (batch_size * beam_size, V) scores : NDArray or Symbol The previous scores. Shape (batch_size, beam_size) step : NDArray or Symbol The current step for doing beam search. Begins from 1. Shape (1,) beam_alive_mask : NDArray or Symbol Shape (batch_size, beam_size) states : nested structure of NDArrays/Symbols Each NDArray/Symbol should have shape (N, ...) when state_info is None, or same as the layout in state_info when it's not None. vocab_num : NDArray or Symbol Shape (1,) batch_shift : NDArray or Symbol Contains [0, beam_size, 2 * beam_size, ..., (batch_size - 1) * beam_size]. Shape (batch_size,) Returns ------- new_samples : NDArray or Symbol The updated samples. Shape (batch_size, beam_size, L + 1) new_valid_length : NDArray or Symbol Valid lengths of the samples. Shape (batch_size, beam_size) new_scores : NDArray or Symbol Shape (batch_size, beam_size) chosen_word_ids : NDArray or Symbol The chosen word ids of the step. Shape (batch_size, beam_size). If it's negative, no word will be appended to the beam. beam_alive_mask : NDArray or Symbol Shape (batch_size, beam_size) new_states : nested structure of NDArrays/Symbols Inner NDArrays have shape (batch_size * beam_size, ...) """ beam_size = self._beam_size beam_alive_mask_bcast = F.expand_dims(beam_alive_mask, axis=2) candidate_scores = self._scorer(log_probs.reshape(shape=(-4, -1, beam_size, 0)), scores, step) # Concat the candidate scores and the scores of the finished beams # The resulting candidate score will have shape (batch_size, beam_size * |V| + beam_size) candidate_scores = F.broadcast_mul(beam_alive_mask_bcast, candidate_scores) + \ F.broadcast_mul(1 - beam_alive_mask_bcast, F.ones_like(candidate_scores) * LARGE_NEGATIVE_FLOAT) finished_scores = F.where(beam_alive_mask, F.ones_like(scores) * LARGE_NEGATIVE_FLOAT, scores) candidate_scores = F.concat(candidate_scores.reshape(shape=(0, -1)), finished_scores, dim=1) # Get the top K scores new_scores, indices = F.topk(candidate_scores, axis=1, k=beam_size, ret_typ='both') use_prev = F.broadcast_greater_equal(indices, beam_size * vocab_num) chosen_word_ids = F.broadcast_mod(indices, vocab_num) beam_ids = F.where(use_prev, F.broadcast_minus(indices, beam_size * vocab_num), F.floor(F.broadcast_div(indices, vocab_num))) batch_beam_indices = F.broadcast_add(beam_ids, F.expand_dims(batch_shift, axis=1)) chosen_word_ids = F.where(use_prev, -F.ones_like(indices), chosen_word_ids) # Update the samples and vaild_length new_samples = F.concat(F.take(samples.reshape(shape=(-3, 0)), batch_beam_indices.reshape(shape=(-1,))), chosen_word_ids.reshape(shape=(-1, 1)), dim=1)\ .reshape(shape=(-4, -1, beam_size, 0)) new_valid_length = F.take(valid_length.reshape(shape=(-1,)), batch_beam_indices.reshape(shape=(-1,))).reshape((-1, beam_size))\ + 1 - use_prev # Update the states new_states = _choose_states(F, states, self._state_info, batch_beam_indices.reshape((-1,))) # Update the alive mask. beam_alive_mask = F.take(beam_alive_mask.reshape(shape=(-1,)), batch_beam_indices.reshape(shape=(-1,)))\ .reshape(shape=(-1, beam_size)) * (chosen_word_ids != self._eos_id) return new_samples, new_valid_length, new_scores,\ chosen_word_ids, beam_alive_mask, new_states
[docs]class BeamSearchSampler(object): r"""Draw samples from the decoder by beam search. Parameters ---------- beam_size : int The beam size. decoder : callable Function of the one-step-ahead decoder, should have the form:: log_probs, new_states = decoder(step_input, states) The log_probs, input should follow these rules: - step_input has shape (batch_size,), - log_probs has shape (batch_size, V), - states and new_states have the same structure and the leading dimension of the inner NDArrays is the batch dimension. eos_id : int Id of the EOS token. No other elements will be appended to the sample if it reaches eos_id. scorer : BeamSearchScorer, default BeamSearchScorer(alpha=1.0, K=5) The score function used in beam search. max_length : int, default 100 The maximum search length. """ def __init__(self, beam_size, decoder, eos_id, scorer=BeamSearchScorer(alpha=1.0, K=5), max_length=100): self._beam_size = beam_size assert beam_size > 0,\ 'beam_size must be larger than 0. Received beam_size={}'.format(beam_size) self._decoder = decoder self._eos_id = eos_id assert eos_id >= 0, 'eos_id cannot be negative! Received eos_id={}'.format(eos_id) self._max_length = max_length self._scorer = scorer if hasattr(decoder, 'state_info'): state_info = decoder.state_info() else: state_info = None self._updater = _BeamSearchStepUpdate(beam_size=beam_size, eos_id=eos_id, scorer=scorer, state_info=state_info) self._updater.hybridize() def __call__(self, inputs, states): """Sample by beam search. Parameters ---------- inputs : NDArray The initial input of the decoder. Shape is (batch_size,). states : Object that contains NDArrays The initial states of the decoder. Returns ------- samples : NDArray Samples draw by beam search. Shape (batch_size, beam_size, length). dtype is int32. scores : NDArray Scores of the samples. Shape (batch_size, beam_size). We make sure that scores[i, :] are in descending order. valid_length : NDArray The valid length of the samples. Shape (batch_size, beam_size). dtype will be int32. """ batch_size = inputs.shape[0] beam_size = self._beam_size ctx = inputs.context # Tile the states and inputs to have shape (batch_size * beam_size, ...) if hasattr(self._decoder, 'state_info'): state_info = self._decoder.state_info(batch_size) else: state_info = None states = _expand_to_beam_size(states, beam_size=beam_size, batch_size=batch_size, state_info=state_info) step_input = _expand_to_beam_size(inputs, beam_size=beam_size, batch_size=batch_size) # All beams are initialized to alive # Generated samples are initialized to be the inputs # Except the first beam where the scores are set to be zero, all beams have -inf scores. # Valid length is initialized to be 1 beam_alive_mask = mx.nd.ones(shape=(batch_size, beam_size), ctx=ctx) valid_length = mx.nd.ones(shape=(batch_size, beam_size), ctx=ctx) scores = mx.nd.zeros(shape=(batch_size, beam_size), ctx=ctx) if beam_size > 1: scores[:, 1:beam_size] = LARGE_NEGATIVE_FLOAT samples = step_input.reshape((batch_size, beam_size, 1)) for i in range(self._max_length): log_probs, new_states = self._decoder(step_input, states) vocab_num_nd = mx.nd.array([log_probs.shape[1]], ctx=ctx) batch_shift_nd = mx.nd.arange(0, batch_size * beam_size, beam_size, ctx=ctx) step_nd = mx.nd.array([i + 1], ctx=ctx) samples, valid_length, scores, chosen_word_ids, beam_alive_mask, states = \ self._updater(samples, valid_length, log_probs, scores, step_nd, beam_alive_mask, new_states, vocab_num_nd, batch_shift_nd) step_input = mx.nd.relu(chosen_word_ids).reshape((-1,)) if mx.nd.sum(beam_alive_mask).asscalar() == 0: return mx.nd.round(samples).astype(np.int32),\ scores,\ mx.nd.round(valid_length).astype(np.int32) final_word = mx.nd.where(beam_alive_mask, mx.nd.full(shape=(batch_size, beam_size), val=self._eos_id, ctx=ctx), mx.nd.full(shape=(batch_size, beam_size), val=-1, ctx=ctx)) samples = mx.nd.concat(samples, final_word.reshape((0, 0, 1)), dim=2) valid_length += beam_alive_mask return mx.nd.round(samples).astype(np.int32),\ scores,\ mx.nd.round(valid_length).astype(np.int32)