Source code for

"""Utility functions for BERT squad data preprocessing"""

__all__ = [
    'tokenize_and_align_positions', 'get_doc_spans',
    'align_position2doc_spans', 'improve_answer_span', 'check_is_max_context',

import collections

[docs]def tokenize_and_align_positions(origin_text, start_position, end_position, tokenizer): """Tokenize the text and align the origin positions to the corresponding position. Parameters ---------- origin_text : list list of tokens to be tokenized. start_position : int Start position in the origin_text end_position : int End position in the origin_text tokenizer : callable function, e.g., BERTTokenizer. Returns ------- int: Aligned start position int: Aligned end position list: tokenized text list: map from the origin index to the tokenized sequence index list: map from tokenized sequence index to the origin index Examples -------- >>> from gluonnlp.vocab import BERTVocab >>> from import count_tokens, BERTTokenizer >>> origin_text = ['is', 'this', 'jacksonville', '?'] >>> vocab_tokens = ['is', 'this', 'jack', '##son', '##ville', '?'] >>> bert_vocab = BERTVocab(count_tokens(vocab_tokens)) >>> tokenizer = BERTTokenizer(vocab=bert_vocab) >>> out = tokenize_and_align_positions(origin_text, 0, 2, tokenizer) >>> out[0] # start_position 0 >>> out[1] # end_position 4 >>> out[2] # tokenized_text ['is', 'this', 'jack', '##son', '##ville', '?'] >>> out[3] # orig_to_tok_index [0, 1, 2, 5] >>> out[4] # tok_to_orig_index [0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3] """ orig_to_tok_index = [] tok_to_orig_index = [] tokenized_text = [] for (i, token) in enumerate(origin_text): orig_to_tok_index.append(len(tokenized_text)) sub_tokens = tokenizer(token) tokenized_text += sub_tokens tok_to_orig_index += [i] * len(sub_tokens) start_position = orig_to_tok_index[start_position] end_position = orig_to_tok_index[end_position + 1] - 1 if end_position < len(origin_text) - 1 \ else len(tokenized_text) - 1 return start_position, end_position, tokenized_text, orig_to_tok_index, tok_to_orig_index
[docs]def get_doc_spans(full_doc, max_length, doc_stride): """Obtain document spans by sliding a window across the document Parameters ---------- full_doc: list The origin doc text max_length: max_length Maximum size of a doc span doc_stride: int Step of sliding window Returns ------- list: a list of processed doc spans list: a list of start/end index of each doc span """ doc_spans = [] start_offset = 0 while start_offset < len(full_doc): length = min(max_length, len(full_doc) - start_offset) end_offset = start_offset + length doc_spans.append((full_doc[start_offset:end_offset], (start_offset, end_offset))) if start_offset + length == len(full_doc): break start_offset += min(length, doc_stride) return list(zip(*doc_spans))
[docs]def align_position2doc_spans(positions, doc_spans_indices, offset=0, default_value=-1, all_in_span=True): """Align original positions to the corresponding document span positions Parameters ---------- positions: list or int A single or a list of positions to be aligned doc_spans_indices: list or tuple Contains the start/end position of the doc_spans. Typically, (start_position, end_position) offset: int Offset of aligned positions. Sometimes the doc spans would be added to the back of a question text, in this case, the new position should add len(question_text). default_value: int The default value to return if the positions are not in the doc span. all_in_span: bool If set to True, then as long as one position is out of span, all positions would be set to default_value. Returns ------- list: a list of aligned positions Examples -------- >>> positions = [2, 6] >>> doc_span_indices = [1, 4] >>> align_position2doc_spans(positions, doc_span_indices, default_value=-2) [-2, -2] >>> align_position2doc_spans(positions, doc_span_indices, default_value=-2, all_in_span=False) [1, -2] """ if not isinstance(positions, list): positions = [positions] doc_start, doc_end = doc_spans_indices if all_in_span and not all([p in range(doc_start, doc_end) for p in positions]): return [default_value] * len(positions) new_positions = [ p - doc_start + offset if p in range(doc_start, doc_end) else default_value for p in positions ] return new_positions
[docs]def improve_answer_span(doc_tokens, input_start, input_end, tokenizer, orig_answer_text): """Returns tokenized answer spans that better match the annotated answer. The SQuAD annotations are character based. We first project them to whitespace-tokenized words. But then after WordPiece tokenization, we can often find a "better match". For example: Question: What year was John Smith born? Context: The leader was John Smith (1895-1943). Answer: 1895 The original whitespace-tokenized answer will be "(1895-1943).". However after tokenization, our tokens will be "( 1895 - 1943 ) .". So we can match the exact answer, 1895. However, this is not always possible. Consider the following: Question: What country is the top exporter of electornics? Context: The Japanese electronics industry is the lagest in the world. Answer: Japan In this case, the annotator chose "Japan" as a character sub-span of the word "Japanese". Since our WordPiece tokenizer does not split "Japanese", we just use "Japanese" as the annotation. This is fairly rare in SQuAD, but does happen. Parameters ---------- doc_tokens: list A list of doc tokens input_start: int start position of the answer input_end: int end position of the answer tokenizer: callable function orig_answer_text: str origin answer text. Returns ------- tuple: a tuple of improved start position and end position """ tok_answer_text = ' '.join(tokenizer(orig_answer_text)) for new_start in range(input_start, input_end + 1): for new_end in range(input_end, new_start - 1, -1): text_span = ' '.join(doc_tokens[new_start:(new_end + 1)]) if text_span == tok_answer_text: return (new_start, new_end) return (input_start, input_end)
[docs]def check_is_max_context(doc_spans, cur_span_index, position): """Check if this is the 'max context' doc span for the token. Because of the sliding window approach taken to scoring documents, a single token can appear in multiple documents. E.g. Doc: the man went to the store and bought a gallon of milk Span A: the man went to the Span B: to the store and bought Span C: and bought a gallon of ... Now the word 'bought' will have two scores from spans B and C. We only want to consider the score with "maximum context", which we define as the *minimum* of its left and right context (the *sum* of left and right context will always be the same, of course). In the example the maximum context for 'bought' would be span C since it has 1 left context and 3 right context, while span B has 4 left context and 0 right context. Note that position is the absolute position in the origin text. Parameters ---------- doc_spans: list A list of doc spans cur_span_index: int The index of doc span to be checked in doc_spans. position: int Position of the token to be checked. Returns ------- bool: True if the token has 'max context'. """ best_score = None best_span_index = None for (span_index, doc_span) in enumerate(doc_spans): start, end = doc_span end -= 1 length = end - start + 1 if position < start: continue if position > end: continue num_left_context = position - start num_right_context = end - position score = min(num_left_context, num_right_context) + \ 0.01 * length if best_score is None or score > best_score: best_score = score best_span_index = span_index return cur_span_index == best_span_index
SquadExample = collections.namedtuple('SquadExample', [ 'qas_id', 'question_text', 'paragraph_text', 'doc_tokens', 'example_id', 'orig_answer_text', 'start_position', 'end_position', 'start_offset', 'end_offset', 'is_impossible' ])
[docs]def convert_squad_examples(record, is_training): """read a single entry of and convert it to an example. Parameters ---------- record: list An entry of is_training: bool If the example is used for training, then a rough start/end position will be generated Returns ------- SquadExample: An instance of SquadExample """ example_id = record[0] qas_id = record[1] question_text = record[2] paragraph_text = record[3] orig_answer_text = record[4][0] if record[4] else '' answer_offset = record[5][0] if record[5] else '' is_impossible = record[6] if len(record) == 7 else False answer_length = len(orig_answer_text) doc_tokens = [] char_to_word_offset = [] prev_is_whitespace = True for c in paragraph_text: if str.isspace(c): prev_is_whitespace = True else: if prev_is_whitespace: doc_tokens.append(c) else: doc_tokens[-1] += c prev_is_whitespace = False char_to_word_offset.append(len(doc_tokens) - 1) if not is_training: start_position = -1 end_position = -1 else: start_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset] if not is_impossible else -1 end_position = char_to_word_offset[answer_offset + answer_length - 1] if not is_impossible else -1 answer_offset = -1 if is_impossible else answer_offset example = SquadExample( qas_id=qas_id, question_text=question_text, paragraph_text=paragraph_text, doc_tokens=doc_tokens, example_id=example_id, orig_answer_text=orig_answer_text, start_position=start_position, end_position=end_position, start_offset=answer_offset, end_offset=answer_offset + len(orig_answer_text) - 1, is_impossible=is_impossible) return example